
Terms of Use and Privacy

Welcome to the DIGITAL MEDIA AGENCY www.izmirwebtasarim.co IWT website of the company.

website you found (www.izmirwebtasarim.co I) belong to the DIGITAL MEDIA IWT IWT agency and our visitors who visit this site information security is important for DIGITAL MEDIA AGENCY. This text is designed to inform you about information security.

You can visit the site pages without giving any personal information as often as you wish, you can get information about our products and services. Your personal information on your visit to our Web site, you can only be obtained from your knowledge. You are, your personal information to be recorded by us are protected by IWT DIGITAL MEDIA AGENCY. Therefore, the news of your personal information unless you or by our legal obligations made under or without your approval will not be given to other people. Knowledge of you in order to ensure your security, we want to emphasize the need not share your passwords with anyone.

Electronic mail communication can not guarantee the security of the message unless said message is encrypted and the security of electronic mail to send, we would like to remind you that you are responsible for.

Our web site is not operated by IWT DIGITAL MEDIA AGENCY can provide links to other websites. If you visit any of these websites, you should review the site's privacy and other policies. We would like to state that we are not responsible for the policies and practices of other companies.

IWT DIGITAL MEDIA AGENCY, all products and services contained on this website, pages, information, reserves the right to change without prior notice visual elements.